標題: Today, your refrigerator, television [打印本頁] 作者: [email protected]時間: 2024-3-11 14:14 標題: Today, your refrigerator, television As for the history of computer networks it dates back to the late fifties and early sixties and it has witnessed many developments and changes since the ARPANET era until the Internet that we know today. HOW DO COMPUTER NETWORKS WORK The way computer networks work is very simple and easy as they are a group of points or nodes connected to each other. These nodes may be computers themselves routers cables optical fibers or even wireless signals.
A computer network is the sum of these nodes. Through this connection these networks can communicate and share data with each other. Because of this method of communication networks can also share computing resoBelgium WhatsApp Number Dataurces and energy. The simplest example of this is the first computer network in history which was between two supercomputers in the United States in order to share data and share the camera instead of each computer having its own camera. With the development and complexity of these networks the need for protocols emerged to regulate this communication but this is another longer story. Today thanks to wireless connectivity we are easily able to connect to networks without a lot of wires and their problems. Networks have contributed greatly to us entering the era of the Internet of Things, or IOT.
Today, billions of devices are connected to the Internet, and their numbers are expected to multiply dozens of times. , and even your home itself can be connected to the Internet, in order to provide you with much better and smarter services, and this, in addition to other factors, has led to the existence of what is called big data. What is the importance of computer networks? It is almost impossible to mention the uses of networks, as they are used in almost everything around us from communication, to banking and financial systems.