Mentioned about . plus pay-per-click (PPC) advertising strategies that drive traffic and leads from paid ads on search engines .vs. SEM - screenshot showing paid and organic results Since we’ve already covered the . part of SEM, let’s review PPC. What is PPC? Pay per click is a version of digital advertising where you pay every time someone clicks on your ad. PPC ads often appear above the organic results, giving them a valuable spot for getting clicks .vs. SEM - screenshot of google results showing ads When someone clicks on one of these ads, the website owner pays Google a little bit of money. Like ., PPC has a few tactics that add up to a successful strategy.
PC keyword research In PPC advertising, you bid in an auction for the chance to get your ad shown on results pages. ’ve offered as well as the trustworthiness of your website and its relevance to the keyword. So PPC keyword research is Iceland Phone Number about finding the keywords to bid on that you can afford and that you have a chance to win. Bid strategy Your bid sets the price you’ll pay for each click you get from a paid search ad. The more you bid, the costlier each click but the better chance you have to win. There’s an art and science to bid management. That’s why most search platforms offer some form of automated bidding option.

Quality Score Your Quality Score is a big factor in how Google decides your cost per click which affects how much you pay to convert a search engine user into a customer. On average, the higher your score, the less your ads, and subsequent conversions, will cost .vs. SEM - dot graph showing higher CPCs for lower quality scores. Your Quality Score is based on several factors, including: Your click-through rate The relevance of the keywords you’ve chosen The quality and relevance of your landing pages The relevance of your ad’s text Your historical performance with Google Ads Ad content Since your Quality Score and bid strategy are affected by the content of your ads, the copy and images you choose are an important part of PPC. There are lots of ways to optimize PPC ads and improve your chances of winning bids