Ally too cold to sustain a typhoon is the result of irregularly warm water and by extension climate change. “The most outstanding feature as far as impact is the tremendous area that was damaged” The Conversation reports. “All coastal regions north of Bristol Bay to just beyond the Bering Strait — hundreds of miles of coastline — had some impact.”With the lowlying parts of the coast underwater there have been widespread power outages. Not to mention many Alaskans have been displaced. So how can you help In addition to finding campaigns on GoFundMe the Western Alaska Disaster Recovery.
Fund set up by the Alaska Community Foundation and the World Central Kitchen are great places to Belize WhatsApp Number start. Severe FloodingMuscogee Creek NationOn September 20 President Joe Biden announced that the U.S. government will supplement tribal and local recovery efforts in the wake of the severe storms tornadoes and flooding. Although these devastating events occurred in early May 2022 supporting Indigenousled mutual aid and relief efforts such as the funds helmed by Indigenous Kinship Collective is still a great way to help.
View of a damaged area after a flood that was caused by heavy rainfall in Kentucky on August 8 2022. Photo Courtesy Peter ZayAnadolu AgencyGetty ImagesParts of Montana Idaho Wyoming Kentucky Minnesota and Other StatesThe severe storms tornadoes and flooding have also impacted several states in the U.S. The subsequent mudslides even led to the closure of Yellowstone National Park over the summer. Folks impacted by the longterm consequences of these natural disasters can seek support from the U.S. Department of Labor