After all, that’s how advertising is supposed to work!Conversion Rate Optimization MetricsBut what would be even more valuable to know is how interesting your offer is to new audiences, not just people who have expressed interest in the past and have now decided to view your offer.A typical website conversion rate is about 2.35% on average.
But the top 10% of companies are seeing 3-5x higher conversion Greece WhatsApp Number Data rates than average. How are they achieving such high website conversion rates?Spoiler alert: it’s not because they’ve changed a button color on their home page or published a new whitepaper.3. You Can Find Out If Your Offer SucksConversion Rate Optimization MetricsAsk yourself: Why are 98% of the people who see your offer not converting.

What could you offer so that a higher percentage of people get so excited that they click through and sign up or buy it now? Think about it – if someone is offering free samples at the grocery store, you don’t pay that much attention to what the person behind the table says; you try the free sample if it looks delicious. resonate with your market, and not just the people who already know and like you.