Already then, at conferences, specialists announced that inbound marketing had not only become established in the USA, but was beginning to be used both in large enterprises and in companies run by one or several people. Inbound Marketing incoming marketing is nothing else than the scope of activities consisting in building brand awareness, i.e. informing people about the existence of a given company, showing your services or products, and your values.
We can compare this term, of course, with Outbound Marketing . In the case of the Japan Phone Numbers 75 Million List latter, we focus on actively searching for a client, we create advertising campaigns, we promote the company wherever we can and we often try to acquire the client at all costs. Many times we have been the recipients of advertisements containing some catch, a word magnet that was supposed to interest us. But after closer contact with the product or service, it turned out that the information contained in the message was a bunch of nonsense, and even if some of the information provided was true, the list of additional requirements was

Longer than the list of guidelines that must be met to qualify for the government aid to support companies during the pandemic. Inbound Marketing can be compared to PR activities. It is a set of tools that allow a company to communicate its existence, present a product or service and, in a colorful way, but without distortions, show the benefits of using a given service or good. What tools are included in Inbound Marketing? The social media and positioning mentioned at the beginning are, of course, part of a larger whole hidden under this term.